Walk down the path of the Crespi Bonsai Museum in Milan and you will see a tree that has been thriving for over 1000 years.The 10-foot-tall millennial is flanked by manicured plants that have also lived for centuries, soaking up the Italian sun beneath a glass tower while professional groomers tend to its needs.Long-time bonsai practitioners like them will find the process easier than tedious, and the home version of the specimen offers beginners an easy, satisfying path to relaxation.
Roughly translated as “tray planting,” bonsai refers to the Japanese practice of growing plants in pots, dating back to the 6th century or earlier.The method works for a wide variety of flora, from perfect plants that live inside, like the small tea tree (Carmona microphylla), to varieties that love the outdoors, like the eastern red cedar (Junipurus virginia).

ficus bonsai 5

The tree pictured is the Chinese Banyan (Ficus microcarpa), a common beginner bonsai due to its rich nature and indoor-friendly cousin to the Milanese masterpiece.It grows natively throughout tropical Asia and Australia, and its happy place is similar to that of humans: the temperature is between 55 and 80 degrees, and there is some moisture in the air.It only needs to be watered once a week, and experienced gardeners will eventually learn to more accurately tell if it’s thirsty based on the weight of the pot.Like any plant, it needs fresh soil, but every one to three years, this is also when a strong root system—bound by a sturdy stone container—should be pruned regularly.
While a common image of bonsai care involves extensive pruning, most trees — including ficus — require only occasional cutting.It is enough to cut the branch back to two leaves after it has germinated six or eight.Advanced groomers can wrap wires around the stems, gently shaping them into pleasing shapes.
Given enough attention, the Chinese banyan will grow into an impressive microcosm.Eventually, the aerial roots will come down from the branches like organic party streamers, as if celebrating that you are a great plant parent.With proper care, this happy little tree can live for centuries.

Post time: Jul-28-2022