The rotten roots of the pachira macrocarpa are generally caused by the accumulation of water in the basin soil. Just change the soil and remove the rotten roots. Always pay attention to prevent accumulation of water, do not water if the soil is not dry, generally water permeable once a week at room temperature.


The following steps can be taken to solve the problem.

1. Ventilate timely to keep the cultivation environment dry. Pay attention to the disinfection of cultivation substrates and flower pots.

2. After transplantation, remove the sprained and decayed tissues on the top of the root, and then spray the wound with Sukeling, dry it and plant it.

3. In the early stage of the disease, spray 50% Tuzet WP 1000 times liquid or 70% Thiophanate methyl WP 800 times liquid on the ground part every 10 days, and use 70% Mancozeb WP 400 to 600 times liquid to water the underground part for 2 to 3 times.

4. If Pythium is active, it can be sprayed with Prikot, Tubendazim, Phytoxanyl, etc.

Post time: Oct-13-2021